You can either move all consumers together(more money and faster), or let them move at their own pace.
Innovaters, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards
innovaters are risktakers who have money and like new p , open to media, not brand loyal and gregariuos.
What effects speed of adoption
Relative SCA
12/3 PR>SI>E>Decision>PPB
Decision means
- if buy
- where to buy
- who to buy - brand,
- when to buy (now / later)
- how buy (cash/credit)
all of those involve attitude formation . marketers try to influence. Thank about implications of the order of decisions.
Store Layout and displays - physical or internet
- attract u into store - self standing v mall
- get u to buy
- get u to stay - shop fast!
- must appear as easy to navigate - tend to turn right- traffic patterns, facings, signage
- make u feel good
- properly planned design etc.
- little things can have a huge effect
- deeper into store is better. dont fill the shelf.
Impulse Purchase
- pure - buy for no reason
- reminder - item reminds
- suggestion - item suggests a solution to a current problem
- planned - planned to buy but not now
Post Purchase Behavior
- dissonance, satisfaction, new pr
- right after - left behind jeans 0 their +features
- requires that u leave behind alts w different and desirable features
- plus more alts left behind
- plus importance of decision - $, ego, social, safety
- _irreversibility
- we, as C, can avoid conflicting info , _ on our P , - on the alts
as mktrs- congrats, other info , register online, allow returns
12/8 what makes C happy
- dissonance , what makes C satisfied
- all concerned w /
- expectation
- performance
- evaluation
- common view - evaluation - performance relative to expectation
- contract theory - evaluation is exaggerated in direction of performance- want to understate performance, restaurant, time to wait
- assimilation or dissonance theory - eval will be brought closer to expectation than is indicated by performance
- assimilation /contrast 0 eval depends on distance bw exp and performance - circle
if dissatisfied - what doe sC do - most dont complain to business and if they do its to lower level or complain to firends, and dont return
complaints - we dont want to give reason, but if we do - what them to complain. train employees- and value crit. write it down, empower lower level
write a letter - send to president, be polite, syaye facts, request action.
folluw up - be persistand
new Problem recog
- purchase leads to realization of new problem, whole industries around this. where mktrs make profit
CCU - central control unit - where feedback from all phases goes back to.
feedback allows us to be habitual, rather than extended.
mktg strat can be to develop or destroy habitual decision making.
consumerism - activites to protext right not limited to actions of C(also govt business etc)
JFK in 1962
- right to choice
- antitrust enforced by FTC
- Sherman - 1890
- clayton - 1914
- robinson patman - 1936
- right to safety
- pure food and drug act, 1906- established the FDA
- meat inspection act- 1907- the jungle by upton sinclair
- food drug and cosmetic act - therapeutic devices - 1936- FDA
- consumer products safety commision - 1973-CPSC - child safe caps, deadman switch, recently cribs, dont do cars or food stuffs.
Thank about our Ps are safe? deception
- right to be informed
- govt requirement
- unit pricing
- nutritonal labeling
- no deception when is it deception?
- from promos - FTC - 1916
- Wheeler Lea amendment - gave FTC pwr with deception ads - 1936
- right to be heard