Monday, May 4, 2009


Change consultants- metaphors
  1. medical - a physician may ask for help to diagnose. but the choice still is with the physiican on what treatment
  2. engineering - diagnostics are done and solution is chosed by O  - seek services to implement
  3. process- collab bw ∆agent and O  ∆avoids resposibity for diagnosis or presecripton - they just enable to comprehend problems and diagnose by themselves.> like below 
steps to using a ∆agent
  1. initiate program , realize you need help 
  2. diagnose problem
  3. schedule tracks
  4. implement tracks
  5. evaulating results
  6. overviewing key elements of approach- goal is not to quick fix but rather to not worry about making it go to the bottom line right away.

It is a process that allows the capture of dispersed tacit knowledge throughout the organization.  , become more of a learning O

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