Tuesday, February 17, 2009

5 (pp. 163-168
CREATIVITY is good ideas, innovation is using them. .
  1. recog of problem
  2. info gathering (is prob too narrow, too broad?)
  3. produce ideas
  4. select best
  5. implement ideas.
Samsung 'VIP' creative building

personality traits good for creativity :
locus of control
internal v external
self esteem
individual differences
task relevant knowledge (dr. arthritis)
intrinsic motivation
level of autonomy
form of eval (willy shakespeare example)
reward system
importance of task

15 (pp.498-510)
barbie v bratz- mattel v mga - changing lifestyle - view of women - mattel didnt change babie and was forced to make quick changes when bratz outsold it. need to stay up to datte - ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING
programmed v nonprogrammed decision making - has it happened before, is there a havitual response?

Classical decision making model - how we should - prescriptive model
  1. look at alternatives
  2. list consequences n- assumes that we know all consequences
  3. consider preferences and consequences
  4. choose
administrative decision making model - how people actually make decisions
satisficing - search and choose a solution - not always best
bounded rationality
heuristics and bias
availability/representative heuristic
base rate
anchoring and adjustment heuristic - make decisions on adjustments from nsome inital amount
escalation of commitment
sunk costs
buyers remorse
SAPs ERP system

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