Sunday, February 15, 2009

mgmt notes 2.16.09

Principles of Supportive Communication
Excerpted from Whetton, D.A. & Cameron, K.S. Developing Management Skills, 4th Edition. Reading: Addison Wesley, 1998.
Supportive Communication is...
1.  problem-oriented, not person-oriented. - "you are dictatorial" v.  "I am not involved in decisions" – be specific ("You made several sarcastic comments in the meeting today").
2. based on congruence, not incongruence.
Rogers (1961) argues that the best interpersonal communications, and the best relationships, are based on congruence, that is, exactly matching the communication, verbally and nonverbally, to what an individual is thinking and feeling.
3. descriptive, not evaluative.
An alternative to evaluation is descriptive communication. Descriptive communication reduces the tendency to evaluate and perpetuate a defensive interaction. It involves three steps:
Step 1: Describe objectively the event, behavior, or circumstance.Step 2: Focus on the behavior and your reaction, not the other person's attributes.Step 3: Focus on solutions.

4.... validates rather than invalidates individuals.
5.  specific (useful), not global (useless).
Specific statements avoid extremes and absolutes: 
6. conjunctive, not disjunctive.
7. owned, not disowned.
8. requires listening, not one-way message delivery.

communication is sharing info toward a common goal/understanding 
- expresses feeling, motivates, provides knowledge, control and coordinates, 
communication networks
chain - sequential task interdependence, assembly line 
all channel - surgery team - recipricol task independence
info richness  - including linguistic style viewable
face to face, telephone, personal message, impersonal message

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